Beyond The Court With Lakers Guard Jordan Clarkson: Fashion Edition

Serena Winters
8 Min Read

It’s not often fans get to interact with athletes about their passions outside of basketball, but this week Jordan Clarkson teamed up with L.A. fashion designer Chris Stamp, to share their design philosophies and even give fans an opportunity to design their own streetwear style.

The event, organized by Delta through their unique “Beyond The Court” initiative, is just one of a few opportunities where fans can connect with players about their off the court passions.

We caught up with Stamp and Clarkson to learn more about how their collaboration came to fruition and Clarkson’s ambition to delve into the fashion industry. Plus, check out our video above to get an inside look at Clarkson sharing his passion with the L.A. fans.

How did you meet Jordan Clarkson and build a relationship in the fashion industry?

Chris Stamp: I met Jordan about a year ago, through my girlfriend, really cool dude, and he invited us out to a game, and we found out we have a lot of similar interests.

When I first started covering Jordan, he definitely had a more casual style, and now he takes a lot more risks, seems to have more fun with his fashion, how have you seen his fashion sense evolve since you met him?

Stamp: From when I initially met Jordan, I think he’s always had a good aesthetic and the way he carried himself both on the court and off is something people respect and I think people notice in both the sports and fashion industry. He has a good way of putting things together, and I think it looks natural and not forced and that’s the biggest thing in fashion, you want to come across comfortable and yourself.

How would you describe his fashion?

Stamp: I think he’s ahead, modern – I think he’s comfortable, and there’s an ease and a coolness that comes across, and that’s important.

Obviously, there’s an element of that sports style in his fashion, but do you see how being in L.A. and playing for the Lakers coordinates into his fashion choices?

Stamp: There’s a west coast element to it, and that’s influenced by being in LA, and I’m sure he has multiple different influences, whether it’s within sports or other things he’s looking at, but yes that’s natural.

Making it in the fashion industry, is by no means easy, what have been the biggest challenges for you?

Stamp: Just making the decision to go for it and not give up, by no means has it been easy, it’s been a lot of work. At the end of the day, I really enjoy what I do, whether I’m working 24 hours a day, or whatever it may be, I get to create things all day and that’s something I’ve been passionate about since I was really young and I just threw myself into this industry and I think because of the passion and because of just enjoying what I do I’m able to push on and not get discouraged with little things, just not giving up.

What does it mean to have people get introduced to your brand in collaboration with the Lakers and Jordan Clarkson?

Stamp: That’s awesome, to see it come full circle. To create something out of nothing and growing up, I’m a southern California kid, always a Lakers fan, always a Kings fan, big west coast presence for me personally, to be doing something creative, that I love in the NBA and to work with the Lakers on this level is awesome.

What are you most looking forward to in seeing the fans create their own streetwear styles and you and Jordan getting to judge it?

Stamp: It’s interesting to just see people that wouldn’t necessarily be fans of the brand or come into our space and see how they curate, always fun to create a bunch of things and see an outside perspective and how they style it together, its always different from what I think the general perception would be and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.

Let’s switch over to Jordan Clarkson…

I seem to remember you walking into the arena in more comfortable clothes, even sweatpants when I first started covering you, when did you start getting into fashion?

Jordan Clarkson: I got a little money now, I could spend on some clothes, but I’ve always kind of been into it, just being able to having access to it now is the thing that’s kind of changed, to be honest with you, and it just kind of evolved from there.

I’ve always been curious do you coordinate your game-day style with nationally televised games, or even who you’re playing or is it just whatever you feel like wearing?

Clarkson: Whatever I feel like wearing, my closet is pretty hectic, kind of just clothes everywhere on the floor and stuff, kind of just go into my closet, pick up what’s on the floor, mix it all together and just walk out of the house.

Favorite/most worn item in your closet?

Clarkson: My black bomber from Rag & Bone.

Top 5 NBA players with the best fashion sense?

Clarkson: Jordan Clarkson, Jordan Clarkson, Jordan Clarkson, Jordan Clarkson, and Jordan Clarkson.

How do you incorporate being a Laker and living in L.A. in your style?

Clarkson: I’ve thrown on a couple throwback Lakers jackets and stuff like that, but just being here in this city and having access to the clothes and stores. Having that connection of being able to come here and work with Chris, I don’t think you get that in any other place.

We’re here at Stampd, working with Chris, and fans get to create their own streetwear, what are you most looking forward to?

Clarkson: Just to see what people come up with, I got a different mind of my own, being able to see what other people can put together is going to be cool.

In three words, describe your fashion sense…

Clarkson: Unique, different, off the wall.

Serena Winters was a former reporter for who also oversaw the video team. You can now find her on NBC Sports Northwest as host of The Bridge. But really, she's probably more known for bringing snacks with her wherever she goes. UCSB alum, Muay Thai lover, foodie (all of it). Email:
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