Kobe Bryant No Longer Sick, Ready for All-Star Game

On Friday Kobe Bryant missed an All-Star media session due to a reported illness. The details were limited, but Bryant was scheduled for his first interview of the weekend but never showed up.

However, according to John Cherwa, who is covering All-Star weekend for the L.A. Times, Bryant showed up to his interview on Saturday and dismissed Friday’s absence.

“I feel all right,” Bryant said. “Something I ate.”

Even though the media session was deemed mandatory, no punishment is expected for Bryant. In fact, Cherwa also mentions former Chicago Bulls guard Michael Jordan, who was notorious for missing these so-called mandatory meetings, often times to play golf instead.

Bryant went on to say that he’s ready for Sunday’s All-Star game, but that since this is his 14th year included in the festivities he has no problem letting the younger players handle the various events that take place.

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