League Owners Reportedly Split Among Themselves: Good or Bad?

Reports are saying that the NBA league owners are split among themselves; one side wants to quickly resolve the work stoppage, while the other side wants to drag this conflict through this year.

Some believe this separation among the owners will lead to a quicker CBA signing because the owners will have trouble sticking together for an extended work stoppage. However, a split with the owners will results in the antithesis of that belief.

The owners will now have to fight two battles in this lockout situation, one to fix the issue among themselves, and then if that does get resolved, the owners will have to pitch their CBA proposal to the players.

If the owners cannot agree on which ideas and offers to present at the labor negotiations, how do you expect them to end the lockout before the season is set to tip-off?

Take this analogy to better understand my position. Suppose Country A and Country B are about to enter a war over a land dispute. Country A is the league and Country B is the Players Union, if Country A cannot work together they will have a zero percent change of winning the battle versus Country B.

The Players Union has already stated that they are unified, and they sent a strong message advocating their solidarity by wearing  “STAND” t- shirts to a labor meeting.

This latest news of the owners being split on how long they should keep the players locked-out is disturbing, what is your take on it? Is it good or bad that the NBA owners have separate beliefs?

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