LeBron James ‘Absolutely’ Looks To Kobe Bryant For Career Guidance


For a long time, Kobe Bryant was the standard bearer for the NBA, clearly the best player in the league. Now many people feel LeBron James has taken that mantle and the two legends do share a decent relationship.

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Kobe’s career is now winding down, and LeBron understands that his career will begin to go down the same road. LeBron acknowledged that he looks to Kobe as an example of how to handle his career during the latter stages in an interview with Bleacher Report’s Ethan Skolnick:

Absolutely. Absolutely. Come on, man. This is the longest shortest career of anything. I think about all the time, what’s next for me in the next couple of years, you know 35, and then if I make it to get where Kobe is, you know. How do I approach the game? And what is my mindset? And is my love for the game still there? I absolutely think about that stuff. I mean, how could you not? I mean, I’ve been in this league 12 years, and it’s not like I’m going up another 12 years. You know, my escalator is starting to tail. So I understand that.

If there is one person to look to as far as maintaining a high level of play during the latter years of their career, it’s Kobe Bryant. Kobe is putting up record numbers in his 19th year, despite his efficiency being at career low marks.

LeBron plays a different style than Kobe and is a much bigger person which should help him. However, mimicking Kobe’s work ethic and the way he takes care of his body would do wonders for him.


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