Metta World Peace Hasn’t Contacted James Harden Since Elbow

Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace appeared on ‘Conan’ tonight and the outgoing player had some laughs with the late-night host. World Peace was scheduled to make an appearance on ‘Conan’ earlier, but it was the day after he elbowed James Harden in the head, so he decided to call it off.

However, as the elbow incident slowly leaves the minds of fans, World Peace put Conan back on his schedule. In this episode, World Peace talked about the incident and told Conan that he never directly spoke to Harden.

Metta told Conan that he contacted third-party representatives, but did not want to speak with Harden because of the possibility of playing his team in the second round.

You can see the episode of ‘Conan’ tonight at 11 p.m. PST on TBS.

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