NBA Rumors: Players Will Be Prohibited From Working Out At Private Gyms Without Approval Beginning June 23

LeBron James, Los Angeles Lakers

Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports

One of the main talking points as discussions went on about the potential return of the NBA is how long players would need in order to get back into proper shape.

With team facilities and gyms shut down, many were left with only what they had at their homes. For some of the league’s bigger stars this wasn’t much of a problem, but for the majority it left very little in order to remain in proper basketball shape.

Some players did have their own private gyms and would work out there. One such player was Los Angeles Lakers All-Star LeBron James. He used that access to hold safe workouts with teammates.

However, that will soon be forced to end, at least without proper approval. According to ESPN’s Dave McMenamin, players will be prohibited from working out at private gyms without being approved by the NBA:

The date makes sense as players are expected to report on June 21, with coronavirus testing beginning the following day. Until the results of those tests come back, the league would undoubtedly prefer that players not have too much interaction for fear of any kind of spread or outbreak before the league even has a chance to return.

It is a very difficult position for players and teams to be in as they surely want to remain in as good shape as they can be ahead of the return of this season. A team like the Lakers wants to pick up exactly where they left off when games start back up so whatever way they can stay in shape and on the same page they are going to do so.

Current plans call for the teams to start up training camps on June 30 before games begin a month later. Injury concerns in these circumstances are very real and that safety should be the utmost priority for every team and the NBA as a whole.

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