What does it all even matter to good old Lamar? He’s still a two-time NBA Champion, newly minted FIBA World Champion, can legitimately play all spots on the floor, is a locker room favorite and since his wedding to reality-television star Khloe Kardashian, is still one of the most widely recognized NBA athlete in terms of non-NBA audiences.
Making coast-to-coast plays with ease isn’t the only thing Odom is doing these days, he’s also building himself a brand that extends far beyond the confines of the 94-by-50-foot basketball court. He’s already appeared in campaigns for Samsung, PowerBar and Taco Bell, what’s next for Odom is anyone’s guess.
Rumors have surfaced after an US Weekly report stated Odom and Kardashian were in talks to do a newlywed-type reality show of their own. Odom was quick to dial down those reports stating, “a decision hadn’t been made” and that he has no plans to film a show “as of right now.”
The show reportedly would start to film sometime around spring, just as the Lakers would presumably begin their playoff run at banner No. 17.
“Should I do one, what do you think?” Odom jokingly asked a reporter. “They pay pretty well.”
Not that he asked for my opinion, but I’d go with no. Or you know, at least not until after the conclusion of the 2010-11 season.