Lakers News: Steve Nash Talks About Lakers’ Large Rotation

Ramneet Singh
2 Min Read

The Los Angeles Lakers had 11 players in their rotation Sunday night en route to a 105-103 victory against the Atlanta Hawks.

At this point, the coaching staff is still trying to figure out how to evenly distribute the minutes, but when everyone is playing well that task can be a little difficult. The Lakers have a pretty talented back court and getting those players on the court on a nightly basis can cause some trouble. In addition, rotating between Pau Gasol, Chris Kaman and Jordan Hill is something Mike D’Antoni still has to figure out.

After the game against the Hawks, Steve Nash spoke to the media and discussed the rotation the Lakers have been using this season.

Nash played 29 minutes last night and was able to score 13 points while dishing out six assists. However, Jordan Farmar and Steve Blake also got time at the point guard position and they ran the offense very well.

The coaching staff will have its hands full when creating a solid rotation, but it will have to change once Kobe Bryant returns to the lineup.


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Ramneet is a Staff Writer for Lakers Nation and has been contributing his thoughts on the Lakers and the NBA since 2010. Follow Ramneet on Twitter @Ramneet24.
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