VIDEO: Nash The Documentary Teaser – Owen Wilson Meets Steve Nash

Lakers Nation has teamed up with Nash The Documentary, a Kickstarter project, to provide you exclusive content about NASH. In our second teaser, Owen Wilson talks about the first time he met Steve Nash, a funny story that involves pizza, beer and training.

In support of those helping get the word out about NASH, a movie funded through Kickstarter, Lakers Nation is giving away an exclusive Nash T-Shirt All you have to do is retweet one our Lakers Nation tweets with the hashtag, #NashMovie. For more info, head over here. NASH is about one third of the way toward reaching their Kickstarter goal, which will allow their documentary film to get made.

I know what you’re thinking. If Steve Nash is the subject of the documentary, why would they need help raising money for the film? Well, although Nash is the main focus of the film, he is in NO way involved financially or with the day-to-day making of the film. Having your subject involved at all financially actually goes against all documentary film making.

So, check out their Kickstarter campaign, and if you believe in the film and want to become a backer, spread the word. Plus, all backers receive a gift, courtesy of the people over at Nash The Documentary. And, whether or not you back the film, if you enter our contest by spreading the word, you’ll be entered into a drawing to receive Steve Nash memorabilia!


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