The Mythical Bar Set by Michael Jordan

When aspiring basketball athletes play on empty street courts or run-down gymnasiums, their idea of basketball perfection is expressed through Michael Jordan’s greatness. As the ball is released from the players’ hands, the one word that is shouted is “Jordan,” with hopes of the basketball going through the net.

No other basketball player has influenced the world as much as Michael Jordan, and there does not seem to be any current athlete who will come close to his achievements both on and off the court. Even though current debaters will refute with “but LeBron James will be better” and “Kobe Bryant is just as great,” there is no doubt that their success will no way reach Jordan’s accomplishments.

Before Michael Jordan started his NBA career as a Chicago Bull, and before he started his college career as a Tar Heel at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he was just a high school student aspiring to play on the varsity team. Jordan was rejected as a sophomore because he was not tall enough, but just like any other great athlete, he responded to this rejection with perseverance. He continued to practice, and eventually landed a spot on the team.

Next: Jordan’s Life in College

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