VIDEOS: Kobe Hints At Possibility Of November Return, Digs At ESPN Rank

It was a packed house at the Los Angeles Lakers practice facility after the media got word that Kobe Bryant practiced over the weekend. This time, Bryant was in action when the media was allowed in to practice on Tuesday, participating in half-court, 5-on-5 drills. Prior to practice being opened to the media, Bryant participated at full-speed during a full-court practice. After practice, Bryant spoke to reporters for about 10 minutes, answering questions about his strength, mobility, conditioning and timetable for return. Kobe said he can’t allow his return to be affected by the state of the team, but also didn’t rule out potentially returning in November.

Bryant’s eyes lit up when talking about how great it felt to be back on the practice court with his teammates. He also joked that now that he’s back at practice, his teammates “can’t [expletive] around when I’m out there.” When he was asked what questions he’s answered about himself now that he’s been able to practice, he even took another dig at ESPN ranking him 25th in the player rankings.

“Whether or not I’m the 25th best player in the world.”

Check out Bryant’s interviews below and don’t forget to subscribe to our Lakers Nation YouTube Channel.

Kobe Bryant (Part One): Kobe Pleasantly Surprised With Movements, Not Tired After Practice

Kobe Bryant (Part Two): Could Kobe See Himself Returning In November?


ICYMI: Did You See Our Video Footage Of Kobe Practicing?



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