Happy Birthday Phil Jackson & The Top NBA News
Top Story: Today, September 17th, is a significant day in many ways. On this day 223 years ago, the United State Constitution was signed by 39 brave men. On this day 65 years ago, Philip Douglas "Phil" Jackson was born in Montana. Young…
Top 5 Lakers Power Forwards of All Time
This is our list of the top power forwards in Laker history. The Lakers have had many great big mans throughout their years in existence. The Lakers had dominating big men during the Minneapolis era and also the Los Angeles era.…
Mark Cuban Talks Trash & The Top NBA News
Top Story: The Mavericks haven't had a lot of luck when it comes to success in the Playoffs. The Mavs often lose in the first round to either inner-state rivals or lower seeded teams. However, infamous owner, Mark Cuban, believes…
Top 10 Things Haters Say About Kobe and Why History Will Prove Them Wrong
Quite simply Kobe Bryant is one of the most galvanizing figures in NBA history. You either love him or hate him, there’s no middle ground. We can honestly say there’s no other NBA superstar that receives the same degree of…
Shaquille O’Neal- The Computer Hacker & The Top NBA News
Top Story: It may be hard to believe, but Shaquille O'Neal is getting sued for allegedly hacking into someone's computer and personal voice mail. Shawn Darling of Dade County, Florida, is suing Shaquille O'Neal for computer hacking and destruction of evidence. Darling worked for Shaq for…
LeBron James Almost as Hated as Kobe Bryant & The Top NBA News
Top Story: There was a time when Kobe Bryant was hated by the rest of the NBA and many people outside basketball. However, Kobe has erased all his legal problems and has received love from every corner of the world.…
50 Amazing Years in the City of Angels
Everybody knows that the Los Angeles Lakers are one of the most prestigious franchises in all of sports. From their championship beginnings in Minneapolis to their sustained excellence in Los Angeles, the Lakers rarely leave their fans unsatisfied. To celebrate…
Lamar Odom’s Year of Championships & The Top NBA News
Top Story: Lamar Odom has been a very successful man when it comes to winning championships and taking home the gold. Odom won two NBA championships, one in 2009 and the other in 2010, however, his work did not stop…
Top 5 Rivals in Lakers History
The famous American sociologist Charles Cooley once said that “the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry”. And if you ask NBA commissioner David Stern, I’m sure he would agree that great rivalries have made…
Ron Artest’s Meeting With Kids & The Top NBA News
Top Story: Ron Artest meet with over 250 children on Thursday at Eastmont Intermediate School. Artest discussed the importance of mental health and seeking assistance when needed. Artest also spoke about his experiences with mental health problems and his childhood temper…